What if “light swims” as rays in human consciousness…?
Then how does the “light that swims” illuminate the essence; the blind-spots of who we are…?
And why does that illumination of “light that swims” like words or letters imbue our “everything and nothing” as we stand in the reflection of; allowing us to see more of who we are and from whence we come?
I wonder as Lee Slonimsky wonders in Tibbetts Brook Park, 1953 and I ask you to wonder too.
"TBP, 1953" is a wonderous read with master-ful poetry and his continued passion for the sonnet. He is also a poet and polymath with whom I am grateful to collaborate, read with, exchange ideas and lecture with on various occasions on both sides of the pond over the years.
The new collection, I dare say is possibly his best-to-date. It bears Slonimsky's trade-mark seal of "tree-math" or interpretations of Nature's number sequences into letters; poetry as seen through the eyes of a "Pythagorean" as the Philosopher of Kairicity, Dr. Moutsopoulos of the Athens Academy and I perceive him. As for the dedication of the book, what an amazing honor!!
Trusting this new collection travels far and long across the seas North of Africa, beyond the Pillars of Heraklion, crossing oceans of time; timelessness while touching many foreign lands who embrace his words with their own tongue; language; hands.