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  • @gfzaimis


Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Thrilled to share this journey of collaboration for the book anthology that just dropped on January 30th and popped


"Write and Publish Your Book: Authors tell their stories"

Everyone has a book inside them. A story to tell, a lesson to teach or a message to share. Many do not know how to shape that book, write that story and share it with the world or lack the courage to do so. If this feels familiar? Then this is your book.

Initiated and curated by Anthony Muiriri, a Motivational Speaker, Minister & Coach, he believes, as many writers believe that

"Everyone has a book inside them. A story to tell, a lesson to teach or a message to share." -- Anthony Muiriri

In this new anthology, internationally acclaimed authors impart their stories of how each came to write and eventually publish their books as a reference and guide to new and aspiring authors. These stories inspire while offer practical strategies.

The book includes a collection of short stories from renown authors who write in a cross-section of genres including Fiction, Thriller, Horror, Non-Fiction, Self-Development Self-Help, Spirituality & Faith, Personal Empowerment, Personal Development, Philosophy, Mythology, Poetry, Prose, Essays, Art & Architecture, Translation, Education, Business, Children's Books,

Health and Wellness.

Contributing authors include:

Anthony Muiruri

Jonas Saul

Dr. Marni Hill Foderaro

Julie Sursok

Sylvia Worsham

Linwood Jackson Jr

Mark M. Bello

Steven Piriano

Nadine K. Thompson

J.R. Tilman

Karine Leno Ancellin

Michaela S. Cox

G. F. Zaimis

Crystalleni Papageorgiou

C.J. Hudson

Jennifer Steil

Check it out! And if it speaks to you, drop an inspiring review for the next reader, avid seeker and author-to-be. Cheers!


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